Monday, October 27, 2008

guts, guts & more guts... Pumpkin Guts!

We started carving pumpkins today with the big kids. There was no school today, so they started during nap time and the early risers joined us. The kids were making up songs about guts and making silly noises the whole time. They thought pumpkin guts were disgusting but they love to play with worms. I don't understand why worms are not disgusting. Kids are funny that way!

We really like using the "Pumpkin Masters" carving kits, they have nice safety blades so the kids can't cut themselves and the patterns are really cool. You can find the kits anywhere, if you want to try them at home. Target has them for under $5. Sorry, didn't mean to be an advertisement but I do get excited about "kid safe knives." We will work on the rest of the pumpkins this week. I would like to have a picture of them all together and then I will send them home at the end of the week. I am storing the carved ones in the cool garage so hopefully they will still look nice on Halloween. Lots of work but the kids are so excited!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ADORABLE! Since I am trying to be green I am sending only e cards such as this really cute virtual pumpkin carving e card. It's fun