Monday, March 29, 2010

Last Time Sledding for the Winter

We were able to go sledding one last time before the snow melted this Spring. The kids really loved sledding at the big hills at the park. They really got a good workout going up and down the hills. Blake was even pulling his sister up the hill, good team work! The flying saucers go the fastest and the most daring of the group love them. The little ones have small toboggans that are slow and very stable.

Even Sammie got a ride up to the top of the hill.

There is a bit of crying in the video because one of the sleds would not go. We had to work on tucking the rope inside the sled to make it slide better. Once the rope was inside it worked great! The hill is big enough for them to spread out. I had them line up for the video but otherwise they were all over the hill.

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