Sunday, October 11, 2009

Preschool Field Trip to the Pumpkin Patch

The preschool kids went on a field trip to the pumpkin patch on Thursday. They were very excited to ride in a big yellow school bus for the first time. We went on a hayride through the woods. The trail was decorated with scarecrows and pumpkin characters, even the trees had faces. After the hayride, they went through a maze and found 4 scarecrows. At the petting zoo, they saw calves, goats, sheep, a donkey, baby rabbits, baby chicks, pygmy goats and a potbellied pig. We had snack and took a class photo (I will give one to each family and not post it here). The kids got to pick out their own pumpkins and we went home on the bus. There were pumpkins dropped and rolling around on the bus. The kids really enjoyed their first preschool field trip!

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