Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Crazy Fun Wednesday

We have a very busy day and a full house today. We made carameled apples today. The kids were not really excited about unwrapping plastic from a million caramels in the morning. Don't worry we washed hands first! I think it is good for developing hand-eye coordination and a necessary part of the fun of making carameled apples. The big kids helped dip the apples during nap time. And we all enjoyed a snack of apples slices and leftover caramel dip in the afternoon.

We were able to play outside for an hour, the sun was shining and it actually felt warm. We played with our "jump rope" game. It spins around and you jump over it, it has three different speeds and the kids really have fun. It makes a silly noise if you bump the bar instead of jumping over it.

We also played with our new train table. The daycare was awarded a grant to purchase some new equipment, I will be posting pictures as we start using the additions. Melanie joined us today, yippee! I had to take a picture of Elizabeth laughing as Melanie tickled her.

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