Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Daycare Skill Set

I discovered there is a special skill set required to be a daycare provider. Each day can require different skills and talents.
Master Paper Airplane Maker- be able to make them & teach 4 yr old boys how they are made
Yoga Instructor- OK, everyone take a deep breath & relax
Hostage Negotiator- You don't want to hurt your friends, let's work together & figure this out.
Short Order Cook- will they eat it or not?
Scientist-what did I just step in and do I even what to know what is on my shirt?
Veterinarian- if a 2 yr old carries the cat upside down, will it be OK?
Doctor- does it need stitches or a band aid. (amazingly, not related to the cat comment.)
Magician- have the magical ability to kiss boo-boos and make then better.
Drill Instructor- clean up, line up and march 2-3-4
Sense of Humor- you have to laugh sometimes or you'll cry
Janitor- What do you mean you missed?
And that was all before we even finished breakfast...

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