Thursday, February 19, 2009

Thursday- Birthday Boy

We celebrated Myles birthday today. The girls made birthday cards before they left for school and Tate (kindergartner) made one during nap time. I was helping spell it out for Tate and he said "wow, there are a lot of "Y's" in Happy Birthday Myles!" I thought it was a funny observation. The kids loved having cupcakes with Myles and singing to him. Birthday boy's little sister ate 1 whole cupcake and two mini banana muffins- I think she is going through a growth spurt!

We also were talking about getting older and growing bigger. The kids started comparing who was bigger. So we put up a height chart and figured out who was the tallest. It is amazing how close most of them are in height for varying from 5 years old to 3 years old.

The kids also had fun playing dress up. The boys were pirates and the girls princesses, of course.

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